The Animal Rescue League tells us...
"Malla is such a sweet dog, and, because of her age, we'd really like to find her a home as soon as we can. She's 12 years old, is a sharpei mix, and is so gentle, tolerant and sweet. She's been around children before, as well as dogs, and is very low energy -- she really enjoys sleeping, loves to talk (not bark) and is crate and furniture trained and does well being left alone at home outside of her crate. She walks well on a leash and knows a variety of commands, too! We'd love to find a family willing to give her a loving home for her golden years."
Upcoming events: Join Zoey the Beagle for the Berks County Parks and Recreation's Paws on the Path program this Sunday at Antietam Lake from 10-11AM where they'll be collecting donations for the ARL.
FURever Home Fridays are powered by Manderbach Ford.