Damian Rhodes

Damian Rhodes

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New Study Finds Favorite Color in Each State

According to a new study, PA has a favorite color! Well, actually...every state has a favorite color. Pixlr (a web-based photo editor) took a look at Google searches for 22 different colors (not including black and white). The searches were then combined with 25 other queries.

Turns out PA is just one of two states that chose brown as it's favorite color. Brown is also the favorite in Ohio. Orange is the second favorite color in PA. Red is the overall favorite color among states with it being on top in 30 states. Pink was the second most popular color overall.

A spokesperson for Pixlr said “There’s also some interesting variation in the popularity of the other colors, with pink considerably more popular than blue. Whether people are choosing a color for its symbolic representation and historic associations, or simply because they like the way it looks, there is a vast array of shades and hues for everyone to choose from.”

Source: PennLive

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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