5 People You Should Unfollow On Social Media Now!

Springtime is the perfect time to clean out and get rid of things that in the words of Marie Kondo don't "spark joy." It's also a good time to go through your social media apps and give them a good purge.

Give your social feeds an upgrade by unfollowing accounts that no longer fit your needs or match your vibes. Sometimes we don’t fully realize how what we're exposed to and viewing on a daily basis affects our mood. According to experts, here’s is who you should unfollow ASAP:

  • People from high school that you never even liked – Probably some of the first people you ever followed on social media were people you want to school with. But if you never talk to them anymore and have no real desire to talk to them ever again, feel for the unfollow!
  • Your exes – Your ex has no business popping up on your feed, especially if you’re still trying to get over them. It can be literal torture to see their posts. Oh, and go ahead and unfollow their family too.
  • Influencers who cause you low self-esteem – Once you feel yourself starting to compare your life or appearance to someone, you should unfollow them. An influencer who you choose to follow should post things that you find to be inspiring and positive. If their picture on the beach in a small bikini makes you feel worthless, unfollow!
  • A “friend” who showed their true colors – Similar to your ex, this person belongs in your past for a reason. Whenever they pop up on your feed there’s a chance you’re going to feel negative emotions.
  • Anyone who posts insensitive content – People who post contradicting viewpoints from you aren’t necessarily the same people who post racist, sexist, aggressive, and other offensive things. These are people you should unfollow. You shouldn’t follow them because it’s kind of a form of support when you do. Plus that kind of content can instantly put you in a bad mood. Just bad vibes.

Source: Your Tango

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