Stuff A Buggy 2020

Join us while we fight hunger this holiday season and we Stuff A Buggy full of food!

This year has been tough on so many. In order to help, FM97 is partnering with Water Street to kick off their Annual Rescue Mission Food Drive through our Annual Stuff A Buggy Event! Due to the continuing circumstances brought about by the pandemic, we are turning this event into a virtual one though.

Through your online donations we are aiming to gather enough money to pay for 12,000 pounds of food—10% of what Water Street hopes to gather from their entire food drive! This equates to $25,800!

Your donations will go to both meals for people experiencing homelessness in Lancaster County and groceries for families struggling to make ends meet in our community. Please consider joining in our efforts to make a difference and support our most vulnerable neighbors!

To make a donation, please click here now!




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