Are You Showering at the Wrong Time?

Most of us have been getting a shower when we wake up in the morning because that’s what we’ve been taught to do. Turns out, we should be showering at night instead!

·Showering at night can help you sleep. Having trouble getting to sleep? Flipping your shower schedule might help. Research shows a warm 10-minute shower an hour or two before bedtime helps people fall asleep more easily thanks to the rapid cooling of your body after you get out.

·Rinse off the day's germs. You’re really bringing all of the day’s nastiness with you to bed? The night shower lets you rinse off all the dust, pollen, and other potential allergens you’ve built up on your skin and hair during the day. Your bed sheets and your partner with asthma will thank you.

·Fight the ‘rona. The night shower has never been more important than in 2020. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Suzanne Friedler says that “if you work in a location where you are interacting with many people in a confined space, then it's a good idea to shower immediately when you get home and before greeting your family.” Hand washing has been having a moment, but body washing deserves some love, too.

Source: Best of Life

Photo Credit: Getty images

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